Sunday, April 29, 2018

One Sunny Day

It was sunny today and the town looked peaceful. I was in an old caravan with a guy - who drove the van. Although he didn’t seem to be in a friendly association with me, I sensed the vibe of normalcy from him and this setting. With not much need to exchange words with him, I spent the whole trip looking out of the windows and enjoying the view outside. We passed through several streets filled with old beautiful buildings. After a bit, I saw a big red wooden gate uphill not far in front of us. The gate was peculiar - it was painted with bright red color and its middle part was vastly triangulated. The road sloped up quite steeply to the gate. When we reached in front of the gate, my companion moved the middle woods of the gate in a strange manner yet he looked as if he had done this many times before. The gate finally opened up showing an entrance way spaciously grounded for parking lots. We drove through passing the gated area and I saw a red rooftop building which somehow happened to be a post office. Other than the trivial sound of the wind and the traffic buzz, the post office’s exterior space was rather noiseless and conventional. I then walked towards the building which was covered with glass walls on its front side. When I stepped inside, there were scores of people who were busy moving in and out through a gigantic main door of the post office. Suddenly, I heard a gunshot and the situation became chaotic. People turned to be terribly alarmed and panicking by this outbreak. I saw several gunned men with black attires randomly pointing up their guns to the people. I slowly reached for the gun that was tucked in the back of my pants and held it tightly with my right hand. I just put it low with no intention to conceal it up yet. The gunmen, who seemed to be burglars, were trying to take hostages. One burglar held up a young woman with a gun pointed to her head. I tried to calm down the terrified publics surrounding me. Not long after, my companion who was just few feet away from the burglar kicked that scumbag's upper calf and instantly twisted both of his hands. Looked like a very well-built man, my companion pointed out his gun to the burglar's head and asked the other burglars to get out from here.

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