Sunday, January 22, 2017

Pronoun, Possessive Adjective & Possessive Pronoun

What is Pronoun?
  • Pronouns are words that substitute nouns. 
  • We use a pronoun often to avoid repeating the noun that has already been mentioned or that is already known.  
    • Example: 
      • Ali is a kind boy. Often, Ali helps people in need.
    • Example with pronoun:
      • Ali is a kind boy. Often, he helps people in need.
      • 'He' is used to replace Ali in the second sentence.
  • A different pronoun is used depending the function that noun has in the sentence. 
  • At its most basic level, there are 2 types of pronoun:
    • Subject pronoun 
      • I, you, he, she, it, we, they
      • subject pronoun are pronouns that perform the action (verb) in a sentence
      • Example: 
        • Ali is a kind boy. Often, he helps people in need.
        • In the second sentence, 'he' is the actor performing the 'helpaction
      • Object pronoun
        • me, you, him, her, it, us, the
        • object pronoun are pronouns that receive the action in a sentence
        • Example:
          • Abu is hurt because Nick kicks him.
          • In this sentence, 'him' is the noun receiving the 'kickaction.

      Saturday, January 21, 2017

      Friday, January 20, 2017

      Pecahan: Bentuk Termudah

       Kenapa kita perlu jadikan pecahan dalam bentuk termudah?
      • Supaya jalan kerja kita lebih mudah
      • Supaya lebih mudah kita menyebutnya 

      Saturday, January 14, 2017

      How to Write A Formal Letter

      What is a formal letter?
      - A formal letter is letter written in formal language with a specific structure and layout. 
      - We write formal letters to a teacher, a bank, a company or the local council. 
      - It’s commonly used to seek permission, to request, to complain, to apply for something, etc.

      Take a look at this example letter for ideas on how you should approach writing a formal letter.

      Question: Write a letter to Mr Adam, the manager of Xendra Toys, complaining about a car you have bought.

      Wednesday, January 11, 2017

      Jenis-Jenis Pecahan

      Pecahan terdiri daripada beberapa jenis. Operasi matematik (seperti tambah, tolak) juga berbeza bergantung kepada jenis pecahan yang digunakan.

      Monday, January 9, 2017

      Example of an Informal Letter

      Below is an example of an informal letter. You will see that it follows the same format as discussed in the previous post. Hopefully you'll get better understanding of how an informal letter can be written.
      Question: You have just transferred to a boarding school. Write a letter letter to your friend telling him about new school. 

      Here are some exercises you can do to assess your understanding:
      1.   Write a letter to your brother who has transferred to a boarding school. 
      2.   Write a letter to your favorite sport person. Tell him/her about yourself and what you like about his/her profession. You may want to ask this athlete some interesting questions too.
      3.   A friend of yours who lives in another country wants to spend a holiday in Malaysia for a week. She has written asking for information and advice. Write a letter to her.
      You may download the example of this informal letter here.

      Saturday, January 7, 2017

      How to Write an Informal Letter?

       What is an Informal Letter?

      An informal letter is a letter written between people who have close relationship. It’s usually used to keep in touch, update our life, ask questions, give advice, request information, send condolence or congratulate people.

      Friday, January 6, 2017

      Kenali Encik Pecahan

      Pecahan itu apa ya? Jom kita berkenalan dengan Encik Pecahan!
      Cuba kira … ada berapa kek keledek ungu di bawah? 5? Ya, tepat sekali!
      Tapi, apa jadi kalau hanya sebahagian kek sahaja yang ada? 
      Macam mana nak kira?
      Ahaa, kita guna  Encik Pecahan lah! Kenapa?
      Ok, jom kita potong kek ini kepada 4 bahagian yang sama besar.
      Tapi macam mana kalau kita ada satu potong sahaja?

      Maka, kita boleh katakan ianya 1 potong daripada 4 potong kek. Betul?
      Jadi, kita boleh tuliskannya dalam bentuk pecahan macam ni:
      Kita sebut pecahan ini sebagai satu perempat.
      Sekarang, jom kita cuba berlatih guna Encik Pecahan! 
      Contoh: Gary membeli sebiji kek yang mempunyai dua perisa iaitu perisa keledek ungu dan perisa coklat. Dia kemudian memotong kek itu kepada empat bahagian yang sama saiz.
      Ada berapa potong kek keledek ungu?
      1 potong adalah kek keledek ungu … daripada 4 potong kek …
      Berapa potong kek coklat?
      3 potong adalah kek coklat … daripada 4 potong kek …
      Mudah kan topik pecahan ini? Pecahan juga melibatkan beberapa operasi matematik seperti tambah, tolak, darab dan bahagi. Saya akan sediakan latihan pecahan dalam tulisan yang seterusnya.

      Anda boleh download bahan ini di sini.

      Thursday, January 5, 2017

      First blog post

      In the name of God, the most Gracious, the most Merciful
      Whenever I have emotional disturbance, and my thoughts are all over the place that all seems lost, many a time I'll direct myself to this one particular activity that can help bring tranquility in me. Writing.
      But here, I write because I believe to share is to have more and a good stuff has to escape; so to say that my writing isn't necessarily due to me being distraught, stressed out or whatever, ok?
      Basically, I will share materials on education on this blog. But, it's also possible that I might write things that are unrelated to education but still hopefully they could be of some help to someone.
      Ok, so what about the blog's name? River of puzzles? So, I was googling here and there; highly in hope of getting some ideas for a name until  I came across this quote of a famous person;
      “The world's a puzzle; no need to make sense out of it." - Socrates
      Since I don't intend to explain any further, it just happened that I liked (and still like) this saying. So, after a few mix and match ... tadaa, finally I came up with this name. Maybe it doesn't have much correlation with my idea of blogging, but hey, who cares? :p
      Still I want to justify myself. Vaguely, the river means more than one or a lot of ... a lot of puzzles ... puzzles in a box ... I'm the box. To simplify; the puzzles (things I'll write here) are a chunk of my life.
      With that, I whisper my pray ... and take my first step to assemble these puzzles.
      With every step that I take, may I do for, because of, and through the blessing of, the One who has created me. Amen.