Friday, December 29, 2017

Four Seasons by Fazza

الفصـول الأربعـة

أنـساك كـلـمه مالها أيّـة وجـود بمـرجـعي

والقـلب لا منـّه نوى غـيرك حبـيبي بامنعـه

تـنتـابني ذكـراك مابين الوعـي واللاوعـي

ما كنـّك الاّ بحر حلمي والمشاعر الاشرعه

من وين تطلع كنّك الاّ تقول ياشمس اطلعي

يتـنفـّس الفجر بنفس حسنك ويشرق مطلعه

مع ان فرعك لو رميت الشمس به عيّت تعي

إن الـدجـا يسـري لها من دون ما تـتوقـّـعـه

إن الـدجـا يكـنز عـبيره للـنسـيم المطـلعـي

كلـّه على شان النسـيم المطـلعي يلعـب معه

يمتد ليلي واشعـلك شمعة غلا بين اضلعي

ويمر بي طيفـك ويتـناثر بصـدري واجمع

Forget any word doomed by any existence or reference 

The heart of it is not intended by preventing others

Habibi (darling), I am at your memory between the conscious and unconscious 

But what you do, makes my dreams float and my feelings sail 

And from the hope of achieving something, you never say oh the sun peered (like just out of framework) 

Dawn breathes the same and your beauty shines early 

So what if the branch was aware of it thrown into the sun 

The darkness applies to without what you expect or yearn for 

The darkness breathes the aroma of breeze of beginning (sunrise) 

The reflection overlooks on the whole play with the breeze 

Extends the night and lits candles shackling between my ribs 

And passes me a spectrum breathing scattered repelled duty.

Other version:

I can’t erase you from my memory
And my heart  loved only you
I think of you consciously and subconsciously
I see you in my dreams
And I feel you with my feelings
I hope for the sunrise
And I wait for the sun to shine so I can breathe
When the night comes, I hold the light between my ribs
Your soul passes through me along with the night
And it engulfs my body