Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Haidh, Menstruation According to Mazhab Syafie and Hanafi

 Bismillahirrahmaanir raahim

This is my effort to have better understanding about the fiqh of haidh from the school of Syafie and Hanafi.

The following is a comprehensive compilation about haidh from the perspective of Mazhab Hanafi. This document was compiled and organized by Jamiatul Ulama (KZN), Ta’limi Board from South Africa. I found the contents are concise and very easy to comprehend. This could be a good reference for young girls, especially those who experience haidh for the first time. I was looking for similar document from Mazhab Syafie, but not yet found. Hence, I am refererring the fiqh of haidh in the view of Syafie from here (explanation by (ex) Mufti Wilayah).